Comune di Rimini - Settore Cultura
Cineteca Comunale
Via Gambalunga, 27
Info cineteca@comune.rimini.it
Tel. +390541704496 +390541704302
The “Grande Macchina Fotografica” has been a silent observer for over sixty years. It has been a sort of “ghost”, as if it were part of a dream. It has Fellini’s soul and body. It is as big as his women, it is present and absent at the same time. It belongs to the category of dreams: it is a large eye watching you and letting you watch it. FELLINIA will be Fellini’s eye opening to the world every day; it’ll be the city’s eye watching the sea.
Starting from 24th June, with its official inauguration, FELLINIA will be the Fondazione Fellini’s summer head office/front office: A strategic place aimed at providing information on the Fondazione’s activities, and disclosing news on Fellini, the great film-maker. It will act as an information desk describing the Riviera’s tourist activities, along with events and cultural activities offered by the city and its district during the summer. It’ll be a lively venue for tourists and citizens to visit. During the summer FELLINIA will promote major events and will disclose the relevant information.