Comune di Rimini - Settore Cultura
Cineteca Comunale
Via Gambalunga, 27
Info cineteca@comune.rimini.it
Tel. +390541704496 +390541704302
The Film Library of the Municipality of Rimini continues the activities of the Fellini Foundation, created in 1995 upon the will of Maddalena Fellini, the director's sister.
The central elements of the program that that the Foundation has carried out until 2014 and that the municipality of Rimini will continue to play in the coming years are the promotion of initiatives to celebrate the work of the Maestro and the constitution of a real center of fellinian studies that represents an unavoidable point of reference on the national and international plan. This involves the realization of a library that potentially collect all the texts concerning the Maestro, together with the archive of his papers, of the photos, of the manifestos, of the sketches, and that could be integrated with the belongings of the Foundation (and it is a conspicuous patrimony) with what will come subsequently acquired through an aimed action. A particular importance will be given to films with specialist interventions of maintenance and restoration
Cineteca del Comune di Rimini
via Gambalunga 27 - Rimini
0541.704496 / 704301