Comune di Rimini - Settore Cultura
Cineteca Comunale
Via Gambalunga, 27
Info cineteca@comune.rimini.it
Tel. +390541704496 +390541704302
Corso d’Augusto, No. 63 (nowadays 115). Fellini’s family, during his stay in Rimini, moved often. They moved here just after his birth, their first residence in Rimini: 5th February 1925.
Cavour Square, the one rebuilt in Cinecittà, was the set of some of the most famous...
War memorial. «This is the monument to victory, we used to go and see it every day... and...
Dardanelli St. No.10. Fellini was born in his family home, on 20th of January 1920. At that time...
The pier with the light house at its end, the “palata”, where Amarcord ...
The walls of the old hamlet are decorated with characters and scenes of some of Fellini’s...