Comune di Rimini - Settore Cultura
Cineteca Comunale
Via Gambalunga, 27
Info cineteca@comune.rimini.it
Tel. +390541704496 +390541704302
An orchestra assembles for a symphony concert rehearsal in a parish youth club (‘oratorio’). Instrumentalists arrive in small groups and take their seats. Union shop stewards are there too, in a corner. A TV journalist interviews the musicians, and they all report talk about their instruments and their experience. When the conductor – who has a strong German accent - gets in, the rehearsal starts quietly; then, all of a sudden, it is discontinued because musicians start a demonstration. The conductor leaves the room and heads for his dressing room; the journalist follows him to interview him. In the meantime an uprising breaks out: everything is being criticized: the conductor, the scores, and so on. Anarchy and confusion prevail. Walls are covered with graffiti and symbols of the riot under way. The building suddenly starts shaking and is hit by increasingly stronger blows, until a huge steel ball crashes the walls and the harpist dies. There is a lot of confusion and people shout terrified. Then silence falls and the rehearsal is resumed. The conductor is back on the podium and gives orders, as if he were a dictator.