Rimini, Cinema Fulgor/Teatro degli AttiApril 1 and 2, 2020
Call for papers
With the publication of the new edition of Federico Fellini's Book of Dreams (edited by Mondadori / Electa), a two-day conference is organized on the occasion of the centenary of the Maestro's birth (1920/2020). The volume itself and its innumerable suggestions act as the subject of possible papers.
The Book, in fact, will not only be analyzed and discussed within specific interventions, but will provide ideas for the definition of Fellini's poetics, or for the examination of figures, themes, icons, references, places of Fellini's cinema.
Oneirism, unconscious, psychoanalysis, graphics, sexuality, popular culture, diary, caricature, deformed mirror, self-portrait, and more: so many are the definitions of Federico Fellini's Book of Dreams. The purpose of the conference is to understand whether - thanks to the anniversary and the imminence of the opening of the new Federico Fellini International Museum - the book of Fellini's cinema can be metaphorically and literally "re-opened", with the confirmation of some streams of research and the opening of new perspectives.
Among the themes that the conference intends to examine in the background of the questions mentioned above, we note (but do not exhaust the possible proposals at all):
On the Book of Dreams specifically:
- Perspectives (old and new) from psychoanalysis
- The representation of the human body
- The representation of the female body
- The author's self-representation
- The diachronic changes in the periodization of the Book
- The dream activity and the deformation of memory
- Fellini between graphics and comics
- The Book of Dreams compared to other Fellini graphic materials
- Iconographic analysis of individual tables or groups of tables
- Editorial history
- The Book and the artistic sources of the 20th Century
- Fellini and Picasso
- Fellini and Balthus
- The Book and the catalog of popular illustration
- The animal element and Fellini's bestiary
- Fellini between fashion and clothing
- Childhood and adolescent imagery
- The erotic dimension
On the relationship between Fellini's book and cinema:
- The Book of Dreams in comparison to Fellini's cinema
- Intermediality between cinema and graphics
- The theme of the grotesque between Book and the cinematographic works
- The use of color between the Book and the films
- Comparisons, analogies, articulations and correspondences between the Book and Fellini's filmography
- The imaginary of cinematographic genres between the Book and the films
- Problems of gender between the Book and the films
- Icons, stardom and celebrity between Book and films
- The monstrous and / or the uncanny between the Book and the films
- Fellini's irony
- Food in the Book and in the movies
The conference is organized by: Cineteca di Rimini, Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life of (University of Bologna). In collaboration with: CFC International Research Group (Culture, Fashion, Communication)
The conference is directed by: Nicola Bassano, Marco Leonetti, Roy Menarini.
Scientific Committee: Marco Bertozzi (Università IUAV di Venezia), Frank Burke (Queens University Belfast), Gianni Canova (Libera Università IULM di Milano), Mariapia Comand (Università di Udine), Paolo Fabbri (CiSS, Centro Internazionale di Scienze Semiotiche, Urbino), Mario Guaraldi (Guaraldi Editore), Giacomo Manzoli (Università di Bologna), Antonio Maraldi (Centro Cinema Città di Cesena), Andrea Minuz (Sapienza Università di Roma), Federica Muzzarelli (Università di Bologna), Mario Sesti (Fondazione – Festa del Cinema di Roma).
The conference is one of the initiatives that, under the title of "Fellini 100", are supported by the Coordination of the celebrations for the centenary of the birth of Federico Fellini (1920-2020). In collaboration with: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Direzione Generale Cinema del Mibac, Direzione Generale per la promozione del Paese del MAECI, Istituto Luce/Cinecittà, Centro Sperimentale di cinematografia/Cineteca nazionale, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna e Museo del cinema di Torino.
Keynote speakers will be made official over the next few months.
Proposals (approximately 20 minutes each) must be sent by November 30, and must include:
- Ttitle
- Abstract of max 500 words
- A short CV max 200 words
The proposals will be examined by the organization and a response will be given by January 15, 2020.
Proposals must be addressed simultaneously to:
The conference does not include a registration fee. All costs for travel and lodging must be considered at the expense of the speaker.
The organizers reserve the right to publish the conference proceedings, for which the speakers can be re-contacted.